Cauliflower Rice: Carbs and Benefits over Rice

By Josefina Pagani – September 4, 2023

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I remember when I first began my keto journey years ago and came across the so called popular cauliflower rice as an alternative to white rice. I can still remember thinking, What about cauliflower rice carbs? Is cauliflower rice keto-friendly? Well, the answer is YES! There are only 3-4 grams of net carbs in one cup of cooked cauliflower rice.

Raw cauliflower rice on plate

Now that we know this, let’s dive a little bit deeper into cauliflower rice, its health benefits over rice, and how to add it to your daily meals.

carbs in Cauliflower rice vs different types of rice

As someone who used to love rice, I did some research to know what the carb count of different types of rice was, just in case I found one that would fit my keto macros. Unfortunately, they end up being considerably higher in carbs than cauliflower rice. You can see the difference in the list below:

Net carbs in 100 grams (cooked):

  • Cauliflower rice: 4 g net carbs
  • Long grain white rice: 27,8 g net carbs
  • Brown rice: 23,85 g net carbs
  • Basmati Rice: 24,8 net carbs
  • Black Rice: 33,3 g net carbs

When comparing by cup, one cup of cooked cauliflower rice has about 3-4 grams of net carbs, while a cup of cooked rice has about 45-53 grams of net carbs. In summary, if you follow a low-carb diet, this is not an option.

Is cauliflower rice healthier than rice?

So we already know cauliflower rice in low in carbs and it is high in nutrients, but is it good in any other way? Well yes! It has some other health benefits, such as:

  • Low Glycemic Index: Because cauliflower rice is low in carbs and low in glycemic index, it has a small impact on blood sugar levels. This is really good, especially if you suffer from diabetes and need to manage your insulin levels.
  • Allergen-Friendly: Allergies to cauliflower are extremely rare. So this makes cauliflower rice a safe option for anyone suffering from grain allergies and sensitivities. In addition, apart from being a grain, rice is also a member of the grass family, so it may also cause pollen related allergies like rhinitis in areas where it’s grown commercially.

What is the nutritional value of cauliflower rice in comparison to white rice?


 100 grams of cauliflower rice:

  • Energy: 23 Kcal
  • Protein: 1,84 g
  • Fat: 0,45 g
  • Carbohydrates: 4,11 g
  • Fiber: 2,3 g
  • Calcium: 16 mg
  • Folate: 44 mcg
  • Vitamin C: 44,3 mg
  • Vitamin K: 13,8 mcg
  • Magnesium: 9 mg
  • Phosphorus: 32 mg
  • Potasium: 142 mg




 100 grams of white rice:

  • Energy: 130 Kcal
  • Protein: 2,38 g
  • Fat: 0,21g
  • Carbohydrates: 28,6 g
  • Fiber: 0,4 g
  • Calcium: 3 mg
  • Folate: 2 mcg
  • Vitamin C: 0 mg
  • Vitamin K:  0 mcg
  • Magnesium: 13 mg
  • Phosphorus: 37 mg
  • Potasium:  29 mg



U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. FoodData Central, 2019.

Important Notes: Nutrition information is sourced from USDA FoodData Central and reflects the reference amount customarily consumed. 

Is cauliflower rice good for weight loss?

Cauliflower rice is particularly low in calories compared to rice. In fact, a cup of cooked cauliflower rice has about 20-30 calories, while a cup of white rice has approximately 200 calories. So if you’re watching your calories or want to lose some weight, cauliflower rice is a better option.

Is cauliflower rice gluten free?

Just in case you are wondering, yes! Cauliflower rice is gluten free as it is made out of cauliflower, a vegetable from the family of cruciferous vegetables.

How to add cauliflower rice to your meals

Cauliflower rice is really versatile; for me, it is like a white canvas, I cook with it a lot. It is a good match for almost everything. I love it with curry! But it is also good in almost all types of recipes. 


You can sauté it with all types of vegetables, bake it as a casserole, or even turn it into low-carb poke bowls. Just get creative! The possibilities are endless. Here are some of my favorite serving ideas for cauliflower rice: 


  • Baked Cauliflower Rice with cheese: This is one of my favorites. It’s like a gratin; it resembles mac and cheese but with cauliflower rice instead of pasta. Perfect comfort food in the winter!
  • Cauliflower Rice Casseroles: It is great as a base for hearty casseroles, i like to add cherry tomatoes and cheese to mine. Delish!  
  • Leave it plain and match it with your favorite curry: it is an excellent substitute for regular rice in any curry. Try it with my authentic pork vindaloo recipe.

So, can we say cauliflower rice is better than rice?

Yes, cauliflower rice is a healthier alternative to any kind of rice. Even though ​​Rice has several nutrients and minerals, it still has a high glycemic index because of the high carb count, which is not good and can actually lead to diabetes in the near future. Hence, I think it’s great to swap rice for cauliflower rice, adding it to your daily meal plan and leaving rice for special occasions. For me, it’s the occasional sushi; I just love it! So I still eat some rice from time to time and enjoy it.

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